Sunday, October 17, 2010

What is a day to day to a paralegal?

Paralegals assist counsel in providing legal services. They work under the supervision of a lawyer. One of the most important tasks of paralegals help lawyers prepare fences, hearings, trials, and business meetings. Paralegals serve as support for lawyers through the collection and analysis of relevant information to the courts. They perform any function delegated by an attorney, including, but not limited to the following:

· Client and General interviews in contact with the customer.
· Locate and examine witnesses.
· Conduct surveys and statistical and documentary research.
· Conduct legal research.
· Draw up legal documents, correspondence and pleadings.
· Summarize deposits, interrogatories and testimonial.
· Attend performances of wills, fences real estate, deposits, court or administrative hearings and trials with the Attorney.

Legal services only that cannot perform paralegals have cases in court, give legal advice, definition of fee and acceptance of the case.

Paralegal can be self-employed or employed by a lawyer or firm, or employee by a paralegal firm providing attorneys law and right of the businesses of paralegals.A self-employed paralegal fees the Attorney for the work, it does.If the paralegal is used with a lawyer or a law firm, he is paid a salary by the Attorney or law ferme.Un paralegal employed with a paralegal firm is paid a salary by the firm which then charge the Attorney or law firm hiring for the firm.In addition to lawyers and law firms, departments, insurance companies, real estate companies and business require also technicians of these organizations, breast services.Au paralegals are responsible for a variety of areas, including bankruptcy, corporate, criminal, family law work, disputes, immigration, real estate, intellectual property, and benefits to name but a few.

Generally, there is no specific qualification requirements to become a paralegal.However, all paralegals in California must complete four hours of mandatory continuing education in a general law or in a specialized area of law.Many universities offer techniciens.La paralegals in most training programs have a degree in paralegal studies, or a Bachelor's degree coupled with a certificate in parajuridique.Il studies are professional organizations that provide voluntary certification for employers parajuristes.Certains train paralegals work, Graduate College with no legal experience.

A paralegal must be able to document and present conclusions and advice for the search Procureur.Bonne control and investigation skills and understanding of legal terminology is essential for a paralegal.


Raul Jimenez has worked as a solicitor of the State in the last 5 années.Il is a specialist in civil law and taught various courses collégial.Raul works currently to expand the section legal services first source, California information .If you are looking for any kind of legal service in the greater Los Angeles area, be sure to check out []

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